Coffee Liqueur

Bottle size: 750ml

Alcohol content: 22.5% ABV / 45 Proof

Sale price$28.00 USD

Doundrins Coffee Liqueur is a perfectly balanced, coffee-based spirit, that is made with a custom coffee blend we created with local roaster, Barriques.  Each batch is made with fresh cold brew we make at the distillery.  This spirit is very coffee forward and only sweetened slightly for balance. The coffee profile is very fruity with a full-bodied, chocolate finish. The flavor changes depending on how it’s served (hot vs. cold) – hot = chocolate, cold = fruity.  You can use it as the main spirit in a cocktail by simply adding it to hot chocolate. The Coffee Liqueur can also be paired with another one of our other spirits or ones you may have in your liquor cabinet at home. It adds a strong coffee flavor with only a touch of sweetness. Or, simply savor its delicious flavor on the rocks. For more drink ideas visit our recipes page.